I am completing my 18 years of working in the field of Information Technology.
All these days an enterprise data store generally provides the four qualities
Isolation and
(ACID) to the transactions. Oracle has emerged as a leader in providing enterprise class ACID transactional capabilities to the applications.
Recently in the Open World 2011, Oracle announced a noSQL database which typically characterized by the BASE acronym.
Soft state,
Eventually consistent (
I see a lot of debate on SQL vs NoSQL, ACID vs BASE and Shared Everything vs Shared Nothing architectures of data stores of late; and with Oracle getting on to the NoSQL bandwagon, this debate is just took up additional momentum.
Oracle has posted this paper nicely explaining their NoSQL database.
In my opinion, SQL and NOSQL choice is straight forward to make:-
big query: Are we storing data or BIG-DATA (read my old post on transactional data vs machine generated big data -
With the new trends in 'BIG DATA' all the data almost become key, value pair with read and insert only operations with minimal or no updates to the data records. NoSQL/BASE is best suited to handle this type of data. Still the traditional transactional databases of OLTP nature, needs ACID complaint transactions.
So, when designing the big data solutions, an architect should surely look at the NoSQL data
BASE. Is it not?
Publishing this post on 09/10/11 (dd/mm/yy) and this is my 85th post to this blog.