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Friday, June 14, 2013

Trust modeling in social media


After last week’s “tie strength” post, this week let me give some fundamentals on importance of modeling TRUST in social media.

What is Trust?
It is difficult to define. But when I ask “Will you loan a moderate amount to the other person?” or “Will you seek a reference or recommendation regarding a key decision?” help understand the term TRUST.

There are two components to TRUST. Some people are more trusting than others. Some quickly establish trust where as others take a long time in establishing the trust. This component is not easy to be modeled. The second component is the credibility of the trusted person.

Measuring Trust:
In social media, the second component can be measured by analyzing the sentiment based on the blogs referenced by others. This is called “network based trust inference”.

This paper describes a model for measuring trust using link polarity.

Have a good weekend reading!

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